We are well into the co-ed season at Camp Cheerio, and have been having lots of fun. Adaline is growing and learning every day, and we are experiencing new things all the time! We have made our first visit to the pool, one day when the water temperature was up. Adaline seemed to like splashing around a bit and did not cry until we got out (just like bath time). Now we are waiting for the water temperature to go back up so we can try it again. The picture above is of her in her little suit and robe!

Adaline is also moving right along with the spoon feedings. She is having a little rice cereal each night with her last bottle, and will soon be moving along to baby food vegetables (in a few weeks). More food is making it into her mouth, and this is good!

Enjoying an evening program of camper performances in the gym.

A view of the riding ring as the sun goes down

We have had quite a bit of rain around camp, and have been able to keep Adaline dry under the rain cover of her stroller. She rides around all nice and cozy, while mom gets wet....Notice the white fog of the cloud we are in behind me.

During the middle of the 2 week co-ed session we had a concert at camp. David Spencer performed with his band, and the kids seemed to enjoy it a lot. Adaline did also, at least until she fell asleep. The above and below pictures are from the concert.

Adaline in her bumbo chair...she loves to sit where she can see around. When we place her somewhere not quite sitting up, she does something similar to crunches to try to sit up. This was during a visit by my mom (Nana), playing together!

Fast asleep with Daddy on the couch, catching a snooze while he can.

Another game of "Thrive". Adaline cheering on the red team and holding a flag helped us win again in this game from 1 C (the 1st co-ed session). However, we were not as lucky last week, as the blue team had a 2nd win for the summer in 2C. Oh well, you can't win them all...as long as you have fun playing!

We hope all is well with everyone out there! Goodnight!
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