In other news, Adaline had her first taste of something new! Rice cereal. Notice, I said something new, not something good. She didn't seem to enjoy it much, but it could have been the spoon she didn't like. As you can see from the picture, most of it ended up out of her mouth. We will try again before bath time on each bath night until she figures it out. It could take a lot of messes, but she will get there!
We also have made a few purchases in the last few weeks. One thing we needed for up here was a stroller to move around on these hills. So, you can see our new "jogging" stroller in these pictures. Adaline does not seem to mind the ride, and usually finds it pleasant for sleeping. The other purchase was a late (very late) birthday or early (very early) Christmas gift for Shane. He got a banjo. He has been playing around and learning some notes, and I am sure a song is not too far off. We will try to get some pictures up soon of that.

Adaline on opening day this week.

This final picture is a view from the dining hall this evening as the sun was setting. You can see the skeet range in the bottom of the picture. It is a great place to look out at the mountains!
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