Friday was Adaline's 6 month birthday...and her last day at camp for this summer. To celebrate her turning 6 months, Shane and I painted her hands and feet in green paint and got prints. It was pretty messy, but we figure we will continue to do this at least each 6 months (and maybe just her hands after awhile). It was fun though, and it will be nice to see the growth. Adaline had her 6 month round of shots this week as well, and while at the doctor, weighed in at just over 15 pounds. What a difference 6 months really makes. It is hard to believe how much she has grown and learned over such a short time. Shane and I are proud parents.

Mommy and Adaline on a night off.

Adaline tuckered out from playing with her toys.

Also, Adaline and I left camp on Friday, a bit earlier than expected. However, an illness was getting around camp and we just wanted to take precautions to keep Adaline healthy. So, we are back in High Point, and Shane will join us this weekend and be back for good at the end of next week. Adaline seems to miss all her camp friends, but will soon be around some new friends. I start back at Northwood on Thursday, which is fast approaching. I do not yet know how I will handle not being able to spend my days with Adaline, but at least it is only until 3 in the afternoon!

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