Speaking of climbing...we did purchase a "learning tower" off Craigslist so that Adaline can join us in the kitchen and "help" out. So far, she hasn't really enjoyed just standing at the counter, and instead just wants to climb in and out of it. I look forward to having her (and new baby Brown) help with cooking and baking one day!
So, I have passed the gestational mark of when Adaline came by a full week, and am at 32 weeks tomorrow. I am carrying a big baby and can certainly feel the strain. At our last week's ultrasound, the baby was showing up at 6 pounds already. I will begin twice a week doctor visits next week to continue with shots and monitor the baby through non-stress tests. fun fun

In other big news...Adaline turned 2!!! Valentine's Day was Adaline's second birthday, and we used this past Saturday to celebrate with a trip to the Greensboro Children's Museum. Ryan and Jennifer joined us at the museum and helped us keep up with Adaline. She was excited to run around and play with things, but was still perhaps a bit young for the full experience.

Then we headed home for lunch, birthday cake and ice cream. There we were joined by a few others that helped us celebrate, including Nana, Pops, and Grandpa Brown. Adaline seemed to like her cake a lot, as she ate a whole slice of it.

Before catching her "late" afternoon nap, Adaline had some time to open presents. We think she finally has figured out the concept of opening presents and finding a treasure inside.

When her actual birthday came yesterday, we took in cupcakes for her class party to continue her celebration. Unfortunately, Adaline had a giant accident that involved poop, her shoes, the classroom slide and Shane having to pick her up around 10 in the morning. Luckily, they saved the cupcakes for today and she wasn't actually sick. In fact, she had her 2 year check up today and is doing well.
Also, we have noticed even more growth in her speech. She is really trying to tell us things and say words, even though we cannot yet understand her. We have been able to make out "uh-oh" when she drops things and "ball" when we are actually playing with the ball. Big strides!
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