Week 33 with baby still on the inside! I had one slight scare last week after my first monitoring appointment. I was put on the monitor late in the work day, and because the baby wasn't moving as much as the doctor would like, she sent me to the hospital "for about an hour" to continue because they were closing up the office. When I got hooked up at the hospital, I was showing more consistent contractions, so ended up being monitored over night. Blah! I did get a test out of it that said I was 99 percent not likely to go into labor in the next two weeks. When I went back into the doctors office on Monday, I was continuing to show contractions averaging every 6 minutes...and the same on Thursday. So, I suppose that will continue to be the case and so far so good. I do not feel them much...just in the evenings, really. I do feel a lot of discomfort, however...I mean, look how big I am getting!

Adaline has started up with "swim" classes again. We went to our first one last Saturday. Shane got in the pool with Adaline, while I stood out and watched and took pictures from the side. At first, I think she was a bit uncomfortable because the water was chilly and it was pretty noisy in the pool with everyone. However, it only took a few minutes for her to remember how much fun she has splashing in the water. The class sang songs, practiced throwing objects out and kicking to them, and practiced getting out on the side of the pool. Still, Adaline's favorite activity was simply splashing with her tongue out. Sadly, we had to miss this weekend's class due to Adaline having a fever and Shane not feeling well, but will be back in action next week, I'm sure. Adaline's fever is down today, and Shane is feeling much better!

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