above: with Nana!
Well, we are all finally back home in High Point and does it ever feel nice to take a bit of a break! Cheri is back with the third graders, but we do already miss camp, and looking back at a few of the pictures from the summer already makes me a little nostalgic for the experience we were able to have together with Adaline at Cheerio. Cheri and Adaline spent a coupe of weeks with her mom and Jeff while I was still at camp and we are so grateful for their hospitality and help while I was still away.

It was really hard to be so far away from the girls and to know that every day I was missing moments that I would not be able to get back.

As you can probably tell Adaline is beginning to enjoy tummy time much more and is really beginning to enjoy playing with toys. She really seems to be getting stronger every day.

above: trying carrots for the first time...and helping mom with dinner!
The biggest news of course is that she has learned to roll over and she loves it! She will roll over, play on her tummy, and then when she gets frustrated I will roll her back over and of course she rolls right back onto her stomach. She also is recognizing and reaching for objects, which is pretty fun. Her favorite toy is still her zebra horse. We are still working on new foods (fruits and veggies) every day and I am pleased to say that she does not seem to have gotten any of my pickiness and generally likes everything. I am looking forward to getting resettled this week at home and readjusting to life in the big city.