Our second Christmas was at our own home on Christmas morning. Santa filled our stockings and left a baby doll and stroller for Adaline and found some of Adaline's old walking toys for Benton. :)

Next we packed up the unwrapped presents and headed to Greensboro to continue Christmas morning at Ryan and Jennifer's house. Betty and Jerry were in from Texas, and it was so great to spend several days and another Christmas with them.

Adaline got a trampoline from Grandma and Grandpa, and she has been loving it every day.

Benton was worn out from all the excitement of the morning and decided to nap through much of the present time.
Finally, after our afternoon nap time back at home, the whole family gathered at Nana and Pop's house for more presents and a fabulous dinner.

We were so blessed to be able to spend time with many of our loved ones over the holiday. We wish we could have seen and visited with more of you, but we send out our love and hope that God has blessed you all as well!
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