Adaline continues to have a great time, spending most of her days playing outside. Favorite activities include throwing and chasing balls, playing with dogs, chasing bubbles, and swimming at the pool. She loves the food and we love not having to cook three times a day. She had her first Oreo here, and we realized you don't have to teach a kid how to eat an Oreo. She immediately opened it and began licking the cream filling. Adaline is still working on new words every day, and she has started working with a local speech therapist for the time we will be at camp. She gave us some exercises to do to help strengthen Adaline's muscles (i.e. using a straw, moving her tongue around).
While Adaline is busy running around camp, Benton is spending all of his time just riding around in his seat and taking in all of the sights. When Adaline was his age, she slept all of the time, but Benton really seems to be trying to get a look at everything. He is still eating like a champ and is becoming quite a big guy. We did a pretty rough weigh in and he is already over 15 pounds! The first two pictures below are a comparison of Adaline and Benton at about the same the same outfit. He still is smiling lots, but he is also pretty good at letting us know when he is not happy too. One of these days Cheri will be able to sleep again at night and it will be glorious.

Jim, Pete and I will be riding again in this year's Hurt, Pain, and Agony ride again and Michaux will be joining the team too. The course will be slightly different this year and should give us about 72 miles this year instead of the usual 66. We have been riding most mornings and our training is off to a pretty good start. I did have a pretty good crash about a week and a half ago, but was able to keep up my riding schedule. I was on a pretty fast descent and got into a little gravel and ran off the road. I did about two flips down an embankment and somehow managed to only come away with a big bruise across the back of my right leg. I got pretty luck and I have slowed down a little on my descents since the crash.

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