Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fall fun

This past weekend was a busy one for us. We were able to catch a peek at the football game on Saturday and watch the Wolfpack win over the Tarheels between Adaline's lunch and during nap time. Later that evening we were joined by Ryan and Jennifer and went to Leigh and Stephen's wedding, while Adaline stayed with Nana and Pops. After we brought Adaline home and while we got her ready to get back into bed, she was able to enjoy the festive head-ware from the wedding for a moment.

Sunday was a beautiful fall day, and Shane and I were able to walk down to the neighborhood park with Adaline. She had a blast exploring the playground and leaves, sliding down the slides over and over, and swinging. We got tons of pictures, so here are some of them.

Adaline is getting good at climbing!


Adaline not only tries to climb and stand up on everything in the house, like the ottoman, her stand and play toys, and even Shane, but she has also been known to try to get into more tight places. She climbed into the bottom shelf of her changing table and became stuck between a container and a box of wipes. I got her out, but I wouldn't be surprised if she gets stuck again.

The pregnancy continues to go well and I keep getting bigger. I could do without all the extra doctor visits, shots, and mood swings (at least Shane could), but we are making it!

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