We woke up on Saturday morning to a crazy hair day. It pretty much took half of the day for this look to fade and fall down. It was pretty funny.

Later Saturday morning, I helped to host a baby shower for my good friend, Tina. It was nice to get together with these ladies, and show Tina how excited we are for her new bundle. Overall, I think there were 5 pregnant gals there, so I suppose there will be much celebrating in the future.

In our pregnant news, I am now on my 19th week. I have been doing the progesterone shots for helping to prevent a preterm labor, so hopefully we can make it to April this time. I have had three weekly shots so far, and so far they haven't been terrible. My belly seems to be much bigger this time also, but I hear that is common, and in our ultrasound yesterday we only saw one baby in there. :) The baby looked great (according to the technician) and he or she is growing well and is a perfect size for 19 weeks. Keep praying for a continued healthy pregnancy!
I feel so weird taking these pictures :)Adaline has been more and more on the move all the time. She takes off running as much as possible, and we really have to make sure the gates of her play area are closed or she would be into everything. With all of this running around, comes tripping and falling, and she has had a few falls on the hardwood floors of our house. She mostly ends up hitting her chin, and she has had a sad bruise on her chin for the past few days. You can kind of see it in the pictures below. Adaline has been working with her speech therapist, Carla, for a few weeks now as well. We are mostly working on signing and following simple directions over actual speech to begin with; then we can focus more on the actual vocal improvements. Shane and I find that Adaline seems to be more willing to make sounds and babble around us than others, but we still have a long, long way to go. However, I know we will get to hear a word eventually.