Heidi, Emily, Anna (Laurel), and me
On Saturday morning we walked to the play area in Emily's neighborhood with Adaline and Kay. We had a nice time walking and watching the girls play a bit in the grass and swing. I took some pictures, but Heidi (the professional :) ) took even better ones...

Adaline and Kay in the strollers

Kay and Adaline playing in the grass

fun in the swing...look at all those teeth (We are up to 6 now!)
The girls got to have lots of fun times together in the playroom, at bath times, and at meal times. The older girls did too, catching each other up on life. It was good to get together, and I hope it isn't too long before we do it again.

Adaline has really gotten better with eating more solid food. She can eat most things now, and we just have to focus on getting the food into her mouth rather than all over the floor. She isn't walking yet, but loves to hold onto our hands and walk all through the house...so maybe it won't be long! Then we will really need a baby gate or two.

Perhaps the next post will come from camp....as we will be spending our next few weekends there until I finish with school. Shane is already there for the season. Cheerio!
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