It is difficult to believe that a year has passed already since Adaline has entered the world. We love to watch her grow and change, but at the same time, we do not want time to go by so quickly. This past weekend we were able to celebrate her turning one with lots of friends and family. Her actual birthday was on Sunday, but her party was Saturday. Shane spent Friday night cleaning, while I prepared food and cupcakes and worried as the snow fell down and covered the roads and ground. I didn’t want Adaline’s party to be ruined by bad weather. There was no need to fear! We awoke to find lots of sun shining, and the snow melting away nicely so that our travelers could arrive safely!

Monkey cupcakes/food spread

You can see all the love for Adaline with the mantel display of her cards. /Also, we had our friends and family sign a picture matte to frame with a birthday photo, so we can share memories of the day with her in the future.

Nana and Pops hanging out with Adaline.
When it was time to do cake, Adaline was unsure of what to think. We had not yet given her sugar, and she is still not so great at table food. We gave her some anyway, and she tried it. She started out just wanting to toss it aside, but eventually, with some help, some made it into her mouth.

She seemed a little more interested in eating her plate.
We had several friends over that enjoyed eating cupcakes and playing with each other.

Then it was present time. Adaline got lots of nice gifts and some money toward her new car seats. Thanks to all...Even though it was not necessary, she loves her new goodies. For those of you who could not be here, we appreciate your thoughts, and we miss you.

On Sunday, Valentine’s Day and Adaline's actual birthday, we had another one year old party to attend. Robert was born the day before Adaline. His party was at The Little Gym, and this was a new experience for us. The other babies were running around playing with all of the things, but Adaline mostly sat and took it all in. Shane, Adaline, and I enjoyed playing together with the parachute, tapping sticks, balls and bubbles. I think she even made some new friends!

Overall, it was a really great weekend! It was fun to celebrate this past year! We did have to ruin all the fun on Monday. Adaline had her one year doctor visit. She had a shot in each arm and still has an ear infection in one ear. She didn’t cry long after the shots and she was given a new antibiotic for her ear, so we are again on the road to recovery. She is still developmentally behind a bit, but again, the doctor is not concerned because she continues to move forward. She is up to 19 pounds now, too! So…Here’s to year two!