Hello all. We have not posted in a little while. It could be we are all just too tuckered out to post, but I am going to make an effort to catch up a bit. As you can see even Adaline is worn out! Several weeks ago (mid Nov.) Adaline had her 9 month check up and is now weighing in around 16 lbs, 10 oz. It is really hard to believe it has been that long. She is a little behind on some of her milestones, but nothing to be concerned with...just regular preemie stuff, and she is still catching up.

Bath time still takes both Shane and I because although Adaline is sitting up well, she still has some trouble in a slippery tub. However, she is still loving the kicking and splashing around in the water.

We have been working on more variety of textures with food, and even bigger pieces. Adaline loves the puffs and does alright with her chewing skills, however, she still needs more practice picking them up and getting them to her mouth. Mostly, she picks one up and if it doesn't make it in to her mouth right away she forgets it is there. She has gotten pretty good at taking one from my hand and putting it in her mouth...I do help position it a bit as she grabs!

Granddad Brown with Adaline / Jeff with Trixie all dressed up for the holiday season
Thanksgiving was a good time with family (although we were missing many of you). We spent the holiday here in High Point at mom and Jeff's house. Jeff prepared most of the meal (as mom was still in CO with Josh, Michelle, Tallison, and the rest of the family there) and we all spent a restful and just plain full afternoon enjoying the company of family.

Marsha, Jake, and Ken with Adaline and Trixie competing for attention / Adaline's Thanksgiving dinner...not too different from other dinners, but there is always next year

just cute
Shane, Adaline and I did go to High Point's Christmas parade with some friends, but left the camera at home. It wasn't too exciting, so you didn't miss much, but Adaline did see Santa (at a distance), some lights, and an interesting crowd. I think she enjoyed watching some of the Macy's parade with me on Thanksgiving morning more????
I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving as well!
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