Grandpa Brown with Adaline / Adaline with the cat CJ made for her
It is not hard for Christmas to be one of the best times of the year, but with a new baby, I have to say that Christmas is even better. It is a time to reflect on the year and the joys that we have had as well as a time to gather with friends and family.

Adaline playing with some fun new toys
As I look at these pictures I am reminded how much has happened and changed in the last year. Adaline does not really know yet what Christmas is all about, but she certainly seemed to have enjoyed herself none the less. Part of the fun this year was trying to coordinate time together with all of the different parts of our family. We met my Dad and CJ in Raleigh at Ryan and Jennifer's house for our first Christmas celebration. We had a great time and Adaline got a couple of new toys that she really loves. (especially the colored rings!)

The holidays are a great time to do a little lounging on the couch.

Shane, Cheri, Adaline, Jennifer, and Ryan

by the tree

My Mom and Jerry and Ryan and Jennifer all came to our house this year for Christmas. We were joined on Christmas evening by Claudia and Jeff for presents and dinner. Cheri did a great job as usual decorating the tree, and Adaline got lots of attention (and presents). She did not really get the concept of unwrapping the presents, but she did understand how to hug them. We finished out our holiday with a great after Christmas meal at Cheri's parents house and a little movie watching. It was an enjoyable holiday and our only wish is that it was a little longer, so we could have more time with our families. Merry Christmas to all out there, and may the new year bring lots more wonderful times!

Grandma Brown and "Grandpoopy" :)