Another fourth of July celebration at Cheerio this year! It was a bit rainy at dinner time, so we had to have a "cook-in," but things cleared up and turned out absolutely beautiful for our festivities. Below are some pictures from the evening.

Gearing up for the rain (glad Benton can finally ride in the double stroller) / our view after the rain cleared

Adaline biting into her watermelon, and adding some flair to her outfit.
Adaline and Benton had a late night. After dinner, we usually head up to our place for Adaline's bath and bedtime, but on the 4th, our night was just beginning. First we watched the cabins parade in and put on a show, with each performing a song or dance. Then, onto the hill for the staff performance and fireworks. This was really Adaline's first experience with fireworks, as the past two summers she slept through them. She sat on my lap, had a slightly worried face, and said "no" a lot, but still kept watching and made it through to the end. Benton slept through all the bangs and booms. We completed the evening with ice cream in the dining hall before our guests had to head home. We were joined by several friends and family and had a wonderful day.

The Sunday before the fourth, my parents and Trixie came for a visit and brought along a new swim suit for Benton. We were able to take the kids to the pool for a bit, and I think Benton enjoyed his first experience there.

all tuckered out!