We spent the next three nights in the hospital. Many people helped us out so much with Adaline back at home to allow for Shane to be at the hospital as much as possible. Thanks! It was difficult for both her and us to be apart, and we were excited to get to come home on Saturday.

The first night home was tough and a new challenge began with two children so young. Adaline has been a bit confused as to who this new little creature is in our house. She wants to touch, poke, and grab at Benton a lot, and we can't let her. She also is showing us that she may be a bit jealous and needs some extra loving. It is hard to tell her I cannot pick her up and play with her as I normally would because I am still healing. She doesn't understand, and I look forward to feeling normal again soon so that we can play as usual.
On Sunday, some family came to visit, including my grandmother and aunt from Colorado. It was a fast, but wonderful visit, and we were happy that we got the opportunity to get together.

Adaline watching Benton / Great Nanny with the great grand-kids
Since we have been home we have been getting settled and enjoying life as a family or four. It will still take some adjustment, but we are so blessed and happy!