We are getting into the swing of 2011, and are off to a good start. Shane has been feeling much better since the last post, and his headaches are not very frequent. I have been doing well, also. We are in the 28th week of the pregnancy now and just had another ultrasound. The baby is measuring on the higher end of the weight scale, but everything looks good. I think it is mostly related to my crazy blood glucose numbers, as I am adjusting my pump a few times a week to try to keep up with the changes. The doctors don't seem to be concerned, but I am doing as best I can to keep them in control. I have had too ultrasounds for blood clot checks, due to some pain in my leg, but all is good on that front too. We have a fetal heart echo scheduled this coming week, but I am positive that all will be well!

Adaline is continuing to make progress in her speech and learning. She is catching on to more and more every day, and has even tried to repeat some words (diaper, apple, help). Of course, we haven't been able to catch any on video yet, and they are still pretty unclear, but she is making efforts. She signs more and I can tell, even though she is so quiet, that she is understanding a great deal. This is a video of her doing a puzzle with me...you can see her sign "puzzle," "more" (a little different than the real more sign), and "all done."