Tuesday, August 31, 2010

1 1/2 years old....and a few weeks!

Last week was Adaline's 18th month check-up. She is now 21 pounds and 31 inches long. She is still behind in many of her developmental skills, but is continuing to move forward, so we do not have much concern. Adaline now has 11 teeth, including 3 molars, and loves to show them off in smiles. Her hair is still pretty sparse, and seems to only be growing in a tuft in the back. It is so funny. Shane's mom's friend made a cute headband for Adaline (see below). Hopefully, when she gets some more hair, she will want to keep it on for more than a few minutes.

Shane finished up at camp last week and we spent the weekend getting settled back at home. We needed a new safe space for Adaline to play, since she is on the move constantly and is not content staying in one area and just playing with her toys. We got some new gates, drawer holds and such, and opened up a nice area containing her room, the alcove off our rooms, and the hallway. Adaline loves running up and down the hallway with her push toys. She continues to practice walking back and forth with us, but is still a bit nervous to take off on her own (even though she could). It is nice to be all together again at home.

Friday, August 20, 2010

New Car

Adaline and I have been back in High Point for about a week now, and we are getting back into the swing of things. Adaline started back to her school on Monday for at least a part of the day, while I was able to get a few things done. Today was my first day back at work, so Adaline had a very full day. After her second day back, she came down with a cold and we are still working to get past it....so I can get some sleep at night. I think she is close to feeling good again.

On Tuesday, Shane came down from camp and the Brown family got a "new to us" car. Since both of our cars were over 200 thousand miles, we figured it was time to have at least one that might not die at any moment. Shane found a deal in Georgia and the dealer drove this 2005 (what? less than 10 years old?) Honda Element to High Point, and then drove my car back. I am sure the return trip was a bit warm, and I hope he made it. It was so kind of him to do that, as it saved us some time, gas money and a babysitter. I have been enjoying the car...and the air conditioning!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Babies and Rainbows

Last weekend, Adaline and I went to Apex to help put on a baby shower for Anna, one of my college roommates. The shower was held at Emily's, another college roommate, home. Emily had most everything done by the time I got there on Friday night, but we still had fun making cake pops and some other food items. Adaline and Emily's daughter, Kay, had fun playing together over the weekend too, and they both are looking forward to playing with baby Laurel very soon!

This past week was also Adaline and my last week at camp. Shane will still be there this week, for the last session for kids, and next week, for senior adult camp. We will have a few visits throughout the week though. We did have a double rainbow at camp that arched all the way around and created a nice ending to the summer. In our CIT class we had "double rainbow" theme day to commemorate the occasion.

In other news...Nugget still think he is the baby.