The name really says it all. The Camp Cheerio Cycling Club (Shane, Pete Roethling, and Jim Hussey) made their world debut in this 66 mile mountain ride. The first picture was taken at about 6:30 am as we got ready to leave Cheerio for the ride start. The route itself takes you from the bottom of the mountain, to the top, and back to the bottom again with a lot of Blue Ridge Parkway, a little Virginia, and three 18 percent grade climbs in between. We were still feeling good for the next two pictures at rest stop two on the Parkway. The last picture is me riding into rest stop three as the heat and sun were baking the pavement on what had to be one of the hottest days of the summer so far. We pulled it together for the last leg of the ride and finished in style after a six mile descent back to the bottom. We had great support and there was even a Cheerio bus full of cheering campers at the top of the longest climb. Seeing Cheri and Adaline at the rest stops definitely made the ride and the rest stops even better! We are already talking about next year and getting a little faster.

Shane, Pete, and Jim / at rest stop 1 on the Blue Ridge Parkway

Family photo on the parkway / some chalk support on the hard climbs

still riding...
HPA was on Saturday, but that wasn't the end of a busy camp weekend. The weekend was the middle of a 2 week co-ed session at Cheerio, so Sunday meant CIT church, Cheerio Olympics, and the big dance...luau style. Not much time to recover and rest, but maybe some of that can happen this coming weekend...yeah right.

Adaline at church / Cheri, Jim, and Helen (CIT directors) at the dance
and now some fun baby pictures....

Adaline enjoying black beans and green jello... How about that makeshift rag bib? It is just too far to walk back to our room to get one. These are taken on two separate nights...the jello while Shane and I had a night out....sneaky friends! I think she enjoyed feeling it more than eating it; although eating it was good too.