from outside the riding ring / at evening "store"
We have been having lots of fun and of course are staying busy during our time here at Cheerio this summer. We catch a few evening activities before Adaline gets to bed...

the family at campfire, enjoying the cabin skits

Nana came to visit today for our day off and we were all able to play a bit in the pool, a favorite activity that we don't often get to do all together. Adaline is still loving being in the water and trying to drink the pool.

Another favorite activity of Adaline's is climbing back and forth over our legs, or really anything that presents a challenge...
Over the past several weeks, I have been working on finding out if Adaline qualifies for help with her speech/language development due to her delay in vocal skills. Among the people we have seen, she has had an ENT appointment and is having surgery to put tubes in her ears next week. She often has fluid in her ears and with this fact, her history of infection, and her delay in speech development, she is a good candidate for this procedure. We are hopeful that this will allow for her to hear better and in turn will help move her forward in her development. Please keep our family in your thoughts on Thursday as we go through this "minor" procedure and recovery. Thanks and take care!